Bully Cat returns, but I am conflicted

Late yesterday afternoon I peeked down at our back door steps through the glass in the kitchen door because it was about Carport Kitty’s dinner time, and I wasn’t about to miss her visit – our only time to bond since she now resided at Neighbor John’s heated cat condo.

But what to my wondering eyes did appear on the top step where Carport Kitty usually waited for me?

The horrid Bully Cat! The Bully Cat who appeared for all the world to think HE was coming to dinner – what on earth possessed him?

Well, I sprang into full frenzy mode – I jerked the door open, shouted obscenities, waved my arms in the air and followed him as he made his way out of the carport. Interestingly, my diatribe didn’t seem to scare him as much as it did me. He ran, then stopped periodically to see if the hysterical old woman was still following him, then ran again, stopped, repeated. Finally he made his way across the street and down the hill.

I was furious, fuming and flabbergasted all at the same time. Needless to say Carport Kitty was nowhere to be seen for her food yesterday.

During my morning walk today, I thought I caught a glimpse of the Bully Cat a block up from our house. I was walking in a different direction so I couldn’t be sure. Then I was 100% positive when he confronted me five minutes later.

He stopped, seemed to be weighing his options

he came over to me as if we were the best of friends,

my tirade forgiven

then Bully Cat slowly sauntered on

When he walked off, I thought he looked a little thinner. I wondered if he was getting enough to eat. Sigh.

But when I got home from my walk, someone was waiting for me.

hello, is it me you’re looking for?


Stay safe, stay sane, get vaccinated and please stay tuned.