burn them calories

With apologies to composer Jimmy Van Heusen, lyricist Sammy Cohn, arranger Nelson Riddle, singers Frank Sinatra and Dinah Shore plus many others – and without anyone’s permission, sing along to their song Love and Marriage introduced in 1955 with my new lyrics. If you need a reminder of how the tune goes, ask Alexa or Siri or one of those wise women to play Love and Marriage by Frank Sinatra for you. They will happily oblige.

Burn Them Calories

Burn them calories, burn them calories,

Every time we walk we burn them calories.

Life was made for goood food, but food can be a bugger-roohoooo.

Burn them calories, burn them calories,

Every time we walk we burn them calories.

Walk a little faster and pounds will fall like alabaster.

Try, try, try to keep from walking, it’s a delusion.

Try, try, try and you will only come to this conclusion.

Burn them calories, burn them calories,

Every time we walk we burn them calories.

Life was made for goood food, but food can be a bugger-roohoooo.


Now you see why I’m not a song writer.

Stay safe, stay sane, get vaccinated, and please stay tuned.