two presidential debates scheduled for 2024: remember the first debate in 2016?

The first presidential debate between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump in the 2016 election took place on September 26, 2016. I tuned in, of course, and posted this piece the following day.

The 400-Pound Hacker in the Room

Donald Trump on our national security in the debate tonight:

“Hackers could be anybody sitting on their beds weighing 400 pounds.”

Whaaaaaaat? What did you say? What does that even mean?

Donald Trump on foreign affairs:

“I haven’t given lots of thought to NATO…I just know we have to knock the hell out of ISIS.”

Really? Not much thought to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? You might want to add that to your debate prep topics for next time.

Donald Trump on the war in Iraq:

“I was against the war in Iraq…all you have to do is call Sean Hannity and ask him. He knows I was against the war in Iraq.”

Somebody please call Sean Hannity… and restore a little sanity.

Donald Trump on deal-making in the Obama administration:

“You almost can’t name a good deal they’ve made.”

I can name that deal in three notes…or was that tune…deal, tune…whatever.

Donald Trump on what it takes to be President:

“To be President of the United States, you have to have the stamina.”

It also helps to have an understanding of the job description.

Hillary Clinton on preparation:

“Yes, I prepared for this debate. I’ve also prepared to be President.”

And with that I say to all good night and good luck.


Never underestimate the importance of the presidential debates. Somewhere today a 400-pound hacker sits on his bed laughing uproariously.