let them eat cake

birthday cake from Pretty shared with granddaughters and their parents

four-year-old Ella sat on table for better position near cake

icing the best part of the birthday cake – Yummy!

Birthday #78 started with a wonderful surprise in our yard when Pretty asked me first thing in the morning, have you seen the Happy Birthday yard sign? to which I responded, no, but let me look. When I opened the front door, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I went outside to take a picture and saw that one of our good friends for many years, Chuck Archie, had made the colorful wondrous birthday wishes and delivered them like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or the tooth fairy during the night for me to see when I woke up. Heartfelt thanks to Chuck for making such a festive gesture – it’s a real memory maker for me – I will smile whenever I think of his kindness.

I had a personal Happy Place on my birthday yesterday, a space created by the many texts, Facebook messages, and cyberspace greetings. From childhood friends and family in Texas to friends and family in South Carolina to blogging friends around the world, I will treasure the warm feelings of love your words gave me. I am, indeed, a fortunate woman.

While the day was extraordinary for me and Pretty, some things remained the same.

Carl and Charly had their regular posts next to my favorite chair in the den

Thank you all for hanging in with us.