Immortalized – at Last! And Just in the Nick of Time!

Followers who have been with me for many moons may vaguely remember my blog in the archives dated September 10, 2013 regarding my desire to write something quotable. Feel free to refresh your memories or make new ones by checking it out.

Cue Jeopardy music.

Today I opened a birthday package that came two weeks ago with the command Do Not Open Until April 21st. It was from my good friend Mary Hettel in Ohio and contained a treasure trove of goodies including a hilarious birthday card, one Mounds candy bar, a tiny tin of Texas Lone Star mints and this refrigerator magnet:


I laughed out loud (or LOL for my younger readers) and truly haven’t stopped smiling since. Leave it to Mary H to be very clever – another year she sent me the Solar Hula Girl a/k/a danseuse hawaienne solaire who sways with reckless abandon on my desk if I write on a sunny day.

Today isĀ a sunny day and I plan to commemorate my 69th birthday with a walk in the woods with my dogs and a delicious Mexican restaurant dinner tonight with Teresa.

I am happy to be able to do both, and I am grateful to my cyberspace followers for spending time with this Super Senior (as in older than dirt) citizen. You’re the best.